19th Century icon of the conception of the Virgin Mary, from Bulgaria.
“The virtues build a new person radiating love to the world.”
(Metropolitan Paul (Yazigi) of Aleppo who consecrated our temple)
“For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:15-16)
SUNDAY 8th SEPTEMBER. THE NATIVITY OF OUR MOST HOLY LADY THE MOTHER OF GOD AND EVER-VIRGIN MARY. Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross. King Ina of Wessex & Queen Ethelburga (8th). St. Maria (Ivanova), Fool-for-Christ of Diveyevo (1931). “Kursk Root” Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign (1259).
O Lord, grant that I meet all that this coming day may bring to me with spiritual tranquillity. .
Grant that I may fully surrender myself to Thy Holy Will.
At every hour of this day, direct and support me in all things whatsoever news may reach me in the course of the day.
Teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that all is subject to Thy Holy Will.
Direct my thoughts and feelings in all my words and actions.
In all unexpected occurrences do not let me forget that all is set down from Thee.
Grant that I may deal straightforwardly and wisely with every member of my family neither embarrassing nor saddening anyone.
O Lord, grant me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events that take place during it.
Direct my will and teach me to pray, to believe, to hope, to be patient, to forgive, and to love. Amen.
TODAY'S GOSPEL. John 3:13-17. “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, “that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. ”For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”
For the commemoration. Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
“Or what does the Lord seek from you but to do justly, and love mercy, and be ready to walk with the Lord your God?” (Micah 6:8). These words of the prophet Micah encapsulate what our relationship to God should be. How far from this have our warring nations departed? Our pilgrimage to Crowland this year will be dedicated to peace in this ever troubled world. Christ came into our world that we might be saved. The day after is the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God, her birthday. She was destined to become the mother of the Prince of Peace prophesied by Isaiah (7:14). We have Zacharia the father of John the Forerunner at John's birth alluding to the Messiah saying “To guide our feet into the way of peace.” (Luke 1:79). At Christ's Nativity the angels said to the shepherds of Bethlehem “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:14).
When we venerate St. Theodore's skull we can see the real wounds of war, not in images of mass telecommunication that so dominate our modern world but in the reality of a hole made by a vicious sword thrust into an innocent's head. The Vikings certainly didn't bring peace, Crowland being just one of many monasteries that were sacked and robbed and the monks murdered. In war always the innocent suffer without regard to creed or ethnic background.
On another level we have the inner warfare, the spiritual warfare as exemplified in the struggles of St. Guthlac of Crowland. He was no stranger to real war, violence and fighting, for as a young man he was a warrior in a time of turmoil in our land. He will have witnessed the brutality that conflict brings and the reality that it achieves very little. His other warfare, his inner battle and struggle brought him closer to God and enabled him to be a guide to others seeking his advice and his holiness. We too are called to look into ourselves and battle against all the forces that keep us away from walking with God. We should be radiating peace to all around us, something that we tend not to be very good at, preferring to put ourselves before others.
May the holy prayers of St. Guthlac and St. Theodore be with us on our journey and may they radiate peace among us and throughout the earth.
Much Love
Fr. George.
If you need any more information about Crowland the Crowland Abbey website is a very good source of information.
Please join our prayers for peace in the world and peace for all those troubled, distressed or ill.
Please pray for the sick and those in need:
Fr Michael Alexander, Margaret Lilley, Trudy (Elizabeth), Elena, Vasilica, Anne Marie and her baby daughter, Stephanie; Margaret; (Fr.) Bill; Magdalena; Mother Esodia; Doris; Mary, Maria; Emma; Megan; Olga; James; Jessie; Nick, Maddy and family; Catrina and Michael; Cornelia; Theo Valentino, George; Ondar; Christine, Christos and family. Also Archbishops Paul and John and all held in captivity.
and for the departed whose memory occurs this month:
Peter Fletcher (9th); Barbara Clift (12th); Fr Dennis Moffatt (25th)
Name days this month:
Trudy (Elizabeth) Collingwood (St Elizabeth - 5th); Geoff Hopkins (St Ceolfrid - 25th); John Burnett (St John the Apostle - 26th); Liubomir (? - 30th)
(Please note: any additions, alterations or requests for names to be included in the this prayer list should be addressed to me, James, either by SMS: 07412884765 or email:
We are delighted to announce our forthcoming Pilgrimage to Crowland Abbey on 7th September this year; please join us. This of course is a great opportunity to venerate the skull of Saint & Martyr Abbot Theodore and was the home of Saint Guthlac. Photos and videos from last year's pilgrimage can be found below and on our Facebook page (click to follow).
Please note: there will be a 'BRING AND SHARE' lunch following straight after Divine Liturgy (outside in the church yard weather permitting).