Please pray for the sick and those in need:
Fr Michael Alexander, Margaret Lilley, Trudy (Elizabeth), Elena, Vasilica, Anne Marie and her baby daughter, Stephanie; Margaret; (Fr.) Bill; Magdalena; Mother Esodia; Doris; Mary, Maria; Emma; Megan; Olga; James; Jessie; Nick, Maddy and family; Catrina and Michael; Cornelia; Theo Valentino, George; Ondar; Christine, Christos and family. Also Archbishops Paul and John and all held in captivity.
and for the departed whose memory occurs this month:
Joan Wilkinson (11th); Lois Talbot (23rd)
Name days this month:
Thomasa Best and Thomas Ward (St Thomas the Apostle - 6th); Zlatina Pavlova (St Zlata Maglen 18th); Demitri (St Demitri 26th)
(Please note: any additions, alterations or requests for names to be included in the this prayer list should be addressed to me, James, either by SMS: 07412884765 or email: